Choosing a Veterinary Marketing Company to Work With


Whether you’re trying to get a new veterinary practice off the ground or need to find ways to get new clients into your veterinary clinic, marketing yourself is an important part of the process. Franchises are making up a larger slice of the pie, with their dedicated ad and social media departments. Most veterinarians barely have enough time to eat lunch, let alone analyze their marketing strategies. While some practices can do without, others find that they’re beginning to flounder in a sea of competition. That’s where a veterinary marketing company comes in.

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3 Free Ways to Get More Clients in Your Veterinary Practice


If you’ve been struggling to get enough clients into your veterinary practice, you might be feeling overwhelmed. There are so many different pieces of advice out there, and many of them can be pricey for a non-franchised vet. Not every method you start with has to involve investing in new and expensive ventures, though. You can often get a boost through simple, small and totally free steps. Who knows, maybe they’ll be effective enough so that one day you won’t have to be the one handling your veterinary practice’s marketing all the time.

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Answers to Common Questions From Veterinarians About Search Engine Optimization


After working with so many veterinarians to improve their visibility in online searches, we’ve realized that they often have quite a few questions about what it is that we do. There’s quite a bit of overlap in what they all want to know, so we figured that we’d have our veterinary search engine optimization pros tackle them all in one place. Let’s dig in!

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Using SEO to Get More Clients For Your Veterinary Practice


We’ve done an overview of what search engine optimization (SEO) actually means, but what can it do for you? After all, who would bother to go through the effort of learning a new tool if it didn’t directly affect the things they care about. For veterinarians, SEO is one of the key ways to get new clients. It puts you front and center with the right people at the right time. That, in turn, impacts your bottom line. If your practice is struggling to stay afloat, SEO can bring in higher revenue. If you’re looking to expand your clinic, SEO is what you use to leverage your experience and resources for better returns. It’s not magic, but rather the product of hard work and the stepping stone to something better.

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The Basics of Search Engine Optimization For Veterinarians


Search engine optimization – or SEO, for short – is a common tool used by nearly all types of businesses with an online presence. The principles of SEO have many similarities between industries, but when you get down to the brass tacks of the matter the real magic happens. And while we’d argue that all businesses can benefit greatly from using this tool, very few in the smaller niches actually know enough about the process to successfully do so. We’ll go over some of the basics of search engine optimization for veterinarians big and small below in a general overview. Check back here for more detailed deep dives soon!

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