When it comes to social media marketing for veterinarians, doing every step of the process yourself can be tedious -- with endless hours spent in front of a computer -- or downright impossible. However, there are many tools out there to speed things up and save you time in the long run. The real work is figuring out which tools will fit your needs and mesh well with your goals. We’ve outlined some of the best ones below to make your life and business run a little bit smoother.
There are countless auto-posting systems out there, so finding the right one can get a little bit tricky. Depending on what social media platforms your veterinary practice engages on, each one can offer specific strengths and weaknesses.
For people who really want to ‘set it and forget it,’ they could consider a tool like SmarterQueue. The continuous cycle options allow for a randomized replay of all your content according to a schedule that you provide. The downside is that you may frustrate some of your potential clients with the repeated memes, videos and pictures. And you can never quite forget about your social media accounts, since regular engagement with people who leave comments helps you gain traction in the community over time.
Buffer (which we’ve go over in greater depth here) and Hootsuite are more hands-on in how you post to each social media account. This is a pro and a con at the same time, of course. Being actively engaged with your posting strategies means targeting ideal markets and tightening up posting metrics with proper A/B testing.
If you have ever used a Wordpress platform, you’re likely familiar with Yoast. They’ve been a juggernaut in the market for search engine optimized content writing tools. If you do have a Wordpress hosted website, their plugin does a pretty great job of training up your writing to reflect how sites like Google search a given webpage and rank it.
Trying to figure out what to write? The Google keyword planner is a great way to plan out your blog content to maximize your website’s rankings for specific terms. When it comes to social media marketing for veterinarians, you want any content you push out to improve your business’s returns on a search engine results page. The keyword planner will help you figure out how to get there with short- and long-tail keywords.
You may not like it, but the truth is that current and potential clients expect a high level of availability in this digital era. That means checking your Facebook page, Yelp business account, emails and more every day. Having these apps on your phone may be irritating, but they’re necessary.
You’ve likely seen the beautifully rendered and stylistically appealing day planners splashed all over Instagram. While those may work for some people, most veterinarians tackling their social media marketing need a digital version of these reminders. Todoist is a task manager that lets you set recurring items, future to-dos and more. Plus, you can add tasks to different parent lists, making things seem just a little bit less overwhelming. There are plenty of task manager app options out there, it’s easy to find one that meshes well with your workflow.
For more information on Social Media Marketing Tools for Veterinarians, please contact us at Vet Marketing Pro to speak to a specialist.
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