If you’ve been struggling to get enough clients into your veterinary practice, you might be feeling overwhelmed. There are so many different pieces of advice out there, and many of them can be pricey for a non-franchised vet. Not every method you start with has to involve investing in new and expensive ventures, though. You can often get a boost through simple, small and totally free steps. Who knows, maybe they’ll be effective enough so that one day you won’t have to be the one handling your veterinary practice’s marketing all the time.
Your ideal client. The marketing avatar. Your demographic niche. These are all different ways to get at the same idea in veterinary social media marketing -- your audience. These are the people you’re trying to reach with all of your marketing efforts. The ones who could very well translate into office visits, dental exams, and more for your clinic. You likely have subsets of client types, each with their own demographics and background, and each group will need their own style of targeting to match. Let’s dive into the basics of knowing your audience.
Social Media Tips for Veterinarians: A/B Testing
It might seem like marketing is more art than science most days, the truth is far more mathematical. With the right social media tips, every veterinarian can come out ahead of the curve. A/B testing is one of the most valuable tools in your marketing arsenal. A combination of creativity and mathematics, A/B tests are the machinery behind your marketing tactics. But what are they and how can you actually put them to use?
Veterinary Marketing Ideas: Facebook Marketing for Veterinarians
A Facebook Page For Your Veterinary Practice?
Should you have a facebook page for your Veterinary Practice? Yes of course you should! It’s FREE plus there a many other benefits. Your current clients and potential clients are on Facebook. Facebook provides a good medium to connect with existing clients which often leads to more frequent visits. If someone shares one of your posts and they have 300 friends then you just got 300 people worth of free marketing. Yes that is one of the reasons why facebook marketing works so well for Veterinary Practices. In addition 85% of pet owners are on Facebook which provides a natural path for you to get more clients.